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Local Works Support to Areni Consolidated Community in Armenia

“Armavir Development Center” NGO implements the ““Local Works Support to Areni Consolidated Community in Armenia”” project in Areni community of Vayots Dzor marz. The project aims to build the capacity and resilience of the Areni consolidated community, empowering the community to become politically and economically stronger.
Courses on civic participation, community budget, development program, and environmental topics are regularly organized. In the community, civic groups composed of active young people from all settlements were created, which should implement community development programs. ADC NGO has already implemented 5 small community development projects, contributing to the improvement and efficient operation of various infrastructures.
This project is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of “Armavir Development Center” NGO and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.
- Evacuation exercise in AreniWe were again in Areni community on a working visit to inform the residents about their actions during emergency situations. This time, we conducted an evacuation exercise in one of Areni’s kindergartens, the purpose of which was to familiarize the residents with the correct steps and safety rules in case of an earthquake. As we… Read more: Evacuation exercise in Areni
- Public Discussion in AreniThe goal of the “Local works support to Areni consolidated community in Armenia” project is the economic and political empowerment of the community, and we consider the promotion of participatory processes among the population, their education and motivation to participate in the management of the community to be one of the most important components to… Read more: Public Discussion in Areni
- Rind community has new LED ScreenWithin the framework of the “Local works support to Areni consolidated community in Armenia” program, we continue working with Working Groups to develop new community development projects and implement already developed projects. One of such projects was the installation of an LED screen in the Areni community’s Rind settlement, the goal of which is the… Read more: Rind community has new LED Screen
- Awareness raising meeting in Areni communityThe “Armavir Development Center” NGO, continuing to support the communities in the implementation of participatory budgeting, continues to work with the Areni community. For this purpose, within the framework of the “Local works support to Areni consolidated community in Armenia” project, an awareness meeting was held with the members of the Working and Monitoring groups… Read more: Awareness raising meeting in Areni community
- Productive Working Visit to Areni CommunityWe were again in the community of Areni on a working visit within the framework of the “Local works support to Areni consolidated community in Armenia” project. The purpose of the visit was to discuss the implementation of the participatory budgeting process with the head of the community and to plan steps to make the… Read more: Productive Working Visit to Areni Community
- Routine Meeting with Working Groups and MonitorsWithin the framework of the “Local works support to Areni consolidated community in Armenia” project, today we had a working meeting with the working groups and monitors formed within the framework of the project. The working groups presented the community projects that were approved to the monitors. And we had extensive discussion about the projects… Read more: Routine Meeting with Working Groups and Monitors
- Three-day training course for monitorsWithin the framework of the “Local works support to Areni consolidated community in Armenia ” project, we started a three-day monitor training course in Aghveran. On the first day of the course, the participants discussed the following topics: On the second day of the course, the participants were presented with: On the last day of… Read more: Three-day training course for monitors
- Meeting with the youth of Areni communityAs part of the “Local Works Support to Areni Consolidated Community in Armenia” project, we engaged with over 80 young individuals, including students from the Areni community, some of whom were also members of the Working Group (further details about Working Group activities can be found here: Link). The objective of the gathering was to… Read more: Meeting with the youth of Areni community
- Working routine of active groupsActive groups formed within the framework of the “Local Works Support to Areni Consolidated Community in Armenia” project continue to work with great enthusiasm towards the development of their settlements, closely cooperating with the local self-government bodies, under the authority of the mayor and the administrative heads of the settlements. Below you can see working… Read more: Working routine of active groups
- Workshop in AreniUnder the “Local Works Support to Areni Consolidated Community in Armenia” initiative, Working Groups have been established across all 9 settlements within the expanded Areni community, totaling more than 70 members. The pivotal role of these groups in the program cannot be overstated, as they will actively participate in the development and execution of community… Read more: Workshop in Areni
- Discussion with working groups formed in Areni communityWithin the framework of the “Local Works Support to Areni Consolidated Community in Armenia” project a zoom meeting was held with the 9 community groups formed in each settlement, the purpose of which was to discuss the community development ideas proposed by the groups, which they should implement in their settlements. During the zoom meeting,… Read more: Discussion with working groups formed in Areni community
- “Discussion of community issues to be included in the 2024 budget and definition of priorities” – Year-end public discussion in Areni communityWithin the framework of the “Local Works Support to Areni Consolidated Community in Armenia” project, which aims to increase the capabilities of Areni consolidated community ofVayots Dzor marz, empowering the community politically and economically, a public discussion (town hall) was held on December 22. About 100 active residents of 9 settlements of Areni consolidated community… Read more: “Discussion of community issues to be included in the 2024 budget and definition of priorities” – Year-end public discussion in Areni community
- Meeting with members of working groups in Areni communityWe were once again in Areni within the framework of the “Local Works Support to Areni Consolidated Community in Armenia” project. We met with members of working groups from Areni, Khachik, Arpi, Agarakadzor, Aghavnadzor, Chiva, Rind communities of Areni community. During the course, the role of working groups in community development, competitive community programs and… Read more: Meeting with members of working groups in Areni community
- The second meeting of the working groupThe second meeting of the working group took place within the framework of the “Local Works Support to Areni Consolidated Community in Armenia” project. This time we met young people from Areni, Khachik, Arpi, Agarakadzor and Aghavnadzor communities. A quick reminder that community development programs will be developed and implemented with the participation of working… Read more: The second meeting of the working group
- New Working Groups Established in Areni CommunityUnder the “Local Works Support to Areni Consolidated Community in Armenia” initiative, Working Groups have been established across all 9 settlements within the expanded Areni community, totaling more than 70 members. The pivotal role of these groups in the program cannot be overstated, as they will actively participate in the development and execution of community… Read more: New Working Groups Established in Areni Community
- Tents for Areni Youth CampAs part of the “Local Works Support to Areni Consolidated Community in Armenia” initiative, the “Armavir Development Center” NGO, in collaboration with the Areni municipality, facilitated the provision of tents to support the ongoing youth camp in Areni, now in its fourth year of operation. The primary objective of this camp is to empower the… Read more: Tents for Areni Youth Camp
- Two-day seminar course in Areni consolidated communityAs part of the “Local Works Support to Areni Consolidated Community in Armenia” project, implemented by the “Armavir Development Center” NGO, a two-day seminar on civic participation was organized in the Areni community of Vayots Dzor marz. The seminar brought together heads of administrative centers, community hall employees, teachers, and young people. Participants were educated… Read more: Two-day seminar course in Areni consolidated community
- Areni Community Football Club Already Possesses Football UniformsAs part of the “Local Works Support to Areni Consolidated Community in Armenia” project, Areni Consolidated Community received football team uniforms, enhancing the appearance and completeness of the Areni Football Club’s games within the community. This project is dedicated to strengthening the capacity and resilience of the Areni Consolidated Community. By providing resources and support,… Read more: Areni Community Football Club Already Possesses Football Uniforms