GROW 2020 Youth Exchange

Within the framework of Erasmus+ program, the project “GROW 2020” was organized in Armavir, Armenia. The youth exchange was scheduled for August 3-10. There were participants from Estonia, Germany, Czech Republic, Georgia, and Armenia. Erasmus+ project “GROW 2020” was organized by the partnership of Armavir Development Center, Project Spirit, EuroYouth, Youth for Society, Europe without Borders.

The overall aim of the project was to spark interest in environmental topics among young people so that they would become more eco-friendly, think critically about the issue and take steps in solving environmental problems in their communities.

The main objectives of the project were to make the participants more interested in environmental issues, encourage the participants to conduct environmental projects themselves and be more active, and passionate about solving environmental issues, use international learning, innovation, and creativity as a key for addressing environmental problems, create a sense of love and appreciation towards nature amongst participants and finally engage youth from rural areas and providing them with knowledge and tools to give back to their rural communities.  

During the project participants were introduced to formal, informal and non-formal education. They did research and found the most  essential environmental issues, had discussions about environmentalism, ecological footprint and implemented different kinds of  workshops towards the protection of the environment. The participants had a visit to the Armavir municipality where they discussed  the environmental issues with the mayor, addressing their questions and talking about what was being done and what could be done in the town. The participants also visited local pottery and had a workshop there. At the end of the project, the participants had their contribution to the environment of Armavir by planting trees in the central park.                                                                                   

Besides the sessions on the above-mentioned topics, the participants had unforgettable and impressive cultural evenings, where each nation presented the peculiarities of their country, their traditions and cuisine. They also had cultural visits to the most precious historical and architectural places of Armenia: Sardarapat memorial, the Mother Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin, Geghard monastery and capital Yerevan.