Digitalization of Youth Work

 Erasmus+ KA2 project

Within the project framework of “Digital Tools for Youth Work” Erasmus+ KA2 project the training course “Digitalization of Youth Work” was organized in Armavir, Armenia. The training was scheduled for the 19th-26th of July, where 22 individuals participated from Armenia, Estonia, Lithuania and Poland. The training Course “Digitalization of Youth Work” aimed at joint learning and exchange between the participants who would be involved in co-creation of tools and platform.The participants were youth workers, IT specialists and other staff members from partner organisations who would be implementing the whole process and piloting co-created tools in the future. To pilot and give feedback for tools, all participants had to reach their basic level of digital competences, fully understand their roles and search for possible synergies, which was successfully implemented due to the project. The training course included topics like the basics of digital youth work, its potential for integrating digital tools and general enhancement of individual digital competences.  

During the training course, the basics of hackathon were introduced to the participants, who were later divided into groups to organize hackathons. Different roles were assigned to the participants, from organizers to participants and mentors, so that they could gain experience in each of the above-mentioned roles. At the end every hackathon, the jury judged the tools created by the participants, and the best one won the imaginary grant.

In order to get digital competencies inspiration, participants had a study visit to the Hero House and TUMO centre for creative technologies. Moreover, they had cultural visits to a number of historical and architectural places of Armenia.

“Digital Tools for Youth Work” Erasmus+ KA2 project was organized by the partnership of Tartu Youth Work Centre from Estonia, Robotikos Mokykla from Lithuania, Armavir Development Center from Armenia and EuroFRC from Poland.